Victor Ash

Victor Ash

  • Victor Ash is a Danish-French artist, originally from Portugal, who lives in Copenhagen.

  • Technique:

    Pioneer of the French graffiti and street art scene, Victor is famous for his signature black and white murals and for his large symbolic colorful murals that visualize themes of current society in a striking way, while merging with the scenery. His murals or stencil canvases show that, to him, the main danger comes from the growing disconnection between the countryside and cities, nature and culture. His studio works, as well as his mural paintings, aim at alerting the viewers.

  • Exposure:

    Victor Ash has done his first exhibition in 1989, invited by the French fashion designer Agnes b. Since then, his work has been exhibited around the world, including New York, Miami Art Basel, London, Seoul, and Tokyo. He is particularly well known for his iconic ‘Astronaut Cosmonaut’ in Berlin.

    Victor Ash has created several historical mural with Street Art for Mankind, including in Manhattan for the centennial of the International  Labour Organization, in Oakland for the UN World Food Programme, in Paris for UNESCO and in Houston, Texas.

    Photos:  @just_a_spectator and Victor Ash


Green Jobs I #ILO100Murals

Photo @ Just_a_spectator

Melanie I #FreedomMurals

Photo @ Just_a_spectator

Diversity aka Looking down, Looking up I #MamaroneckMurals

Photo @ Just_a_spectator

New Rochelle 2050 I #NRNYMurals

Photo @ Just_a_spectator

Rough Seas for Collins I #LarchmontMurals

Children on a Branch I SAM Festival

Victor Ash

Victor Ash

Victor Ash

Victor Ash

Victor Ash

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