loic ercolessi

loic ercolessi

  • Loic ErcolessiĀ is a French street artist who lives in Miami, United States.

  • Technique:

    With his Neo Pop Art Style and mixed media ( spray can, brush, urban markers, collage and more) Loicā€™s art traces the lines of his interrogations and his emotions,Ā seeking to provoke reactions in the spectators, sometimes by breaking the chains of taboos in order to shake the conditioning in which the human being is enclosed.

  • Exposure:

    His inspiring portraits can be seen on walls and in galleries all around the United States and beyond. He has been featured on CNN, during Miami Art Basel, and was part of the #NRNYMurals with the ā€œArtistic Creativityā€ mural inaugurated with Don McLean (Mister ā€œAmerican Pieā€).

    Photos:Ā  @just_a_spectator and Loic Ercolessi


Artistic Creativity I #NRNYMurals

Photo @ Just_a_spectator

Michel, Child soldier I #FreedomMurals

Ibrahim I #FreedomMurals

Munroā€™s Legacy I #LarchmontMurals

The Skinny House I #MamaroneckMurals

Photo @ Just_a_spectator

Loic Ercolessi

Loic Ercolessi

Loic Ercolessi

Loic Ercolessi

Loic Ercolessi

Loic Ercolessi

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